Having large breasts is not the first request for surgery on this superb organ. Reducing them is, in fact, the most frequent request. Breasts that are too large are the most common, the most difficult to bear, but also the most operated!
A young girl lives very badly with a 95 F, whose breasts fall on her waist as soon as she takes off her bra and who absolutely cannot wear fitted clothes or dresses with thin straps. Result of an abnormal development of the mammary gland, this real handicap not only hinders certain physical activities, it causes back and muscle pain, induces poor posture of the back and shoulders and, still because of the weight of the breasts, causes slackening of the skin.
The results of this procedure are generally excellent. Under general anesthesia, it lasts a little over 1 hour and requires 1 or 2 days of hospitalization. It consists of removing a piece of breast and excess skin, repositioning the nipple and areola, then artistically reshaping the breast according to a volume and shape chosen by the person concerned. This one will wear tight dressings for a few days, then a medical bra, that is to say without reinforcement, but keeping the breasts perfectly night and day for a month. The impression of lightness is already felt at this time, but the new chest will only be perfectly aesthetic after 2 to 3 months. During all this time, you should avoid sports requiring you to raise your arms.
A strictly normal life is however possible after 3 weeks.
It takes a year for the scars from this procedure to fade and become a simple white line.
It can be done relatively young, at 16 or 17 years old, and it is even advisable to do it early in order to limit scarring. No consequences for subsequent pregnancy or breastfeeding, except that it is advisable to wait a year after the operation. No worries about the risk of cancer either. There remains the sensitive point: the cost. The rates for this type of breast surgery vary between €2,500 and €5,000 and excess fees can reach €3,000…. Reimbursement of breast reduction by social security and mutual health insurance is provided that at least 300 g per breast is removed and that this mass is validated by the surgeon and the health insurance medical adviser.
However if you are blonde, with large breasts without this handicapping you, keep it, know that there are amateurs.
Doctor Jean-Francois Lemoine
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