Bisphenol A (BPA), we know it well: this endocrine disruptor (recognized as such across Europe since 2019) is involved in the development of many pathologies – breast cancer, high blood pressure, depression… Formerly present in certain plastics (bottles, toys, packaging. ..), it has been banned in France since January 1, 2015.
But in the large family of bisphenols, there is not only bisphenol A: in a press release published this Tuesday, March 9, 2021the National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES) is sounding the alarm regarding bisphenol B, a “substance of very high concern“.
According to health authorities, bisphenol B”exhibits similar endocrine properties“to those of bisphenol A: thus, this molecule would have an endocrine activity (it would increase the production of estrogen) and a negative impact on the male reproductive system (it would notably reduce the daily production of spermatozoa).
“Bisphenol B can lead to severe effects on human health”
“These effects are observed […] in rodents and fish and are similar or even slightly more pronounced at an equivalent dose, to those of bisphenol A” note the specialists, who add that “Bisphenol B can lead to severe human health effects“.
Good news : for the moment, bisphenol B is not used in the countries of the European Union. However, it is used in the United States (“where it is registered as an indirect additive for certain food contact coatings and polymers“).
ANSES now fears that bisphenol B will eventually be used as an alternative to bisphenol A by European manufacturers; the agency therefore wishes “require importers of consumer items to declare its presence as soon as it exceeds a threshold of 0.1% in their composition” and register bisphenol B in the European REACH Regulation – as bisphenol A.
Read also :
- Bisphenol S would be as toxic as bisphenol A
- Microplastics in baby bottles: how to limit the risks?
- Parabens, phthalates, bisphenols… Children are still too exposed to them