The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) had already classified bisphenol A as an endocrine disruptor. But Plastics Europe, an association representing European plastics producers, appealed to challenge this classification. Appeal rejected! The European justice has ruled.
Furthermore, bisphenol A had already been classified as a “substance of very high concern” because it was very toxic to the reproductive system in another procedure. However, it is found in many products such as our clothes, children’s toys, receipts or even phytosanitary products.
France participated in this decision
France had already banned the use of BPA in all of its food containers, packaging and utensils. She played an important role in this decision. At the time when Ségolène Royal was Minister of the Environment, she asked Europe to report the dangerousness of this chemical component. It had been supported by all member countries except Finland and the United Kingdom.
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After bisphenol A, bisphenol S worries
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