For six years, a Belgian couple living in the Tarn has been fighting to have their ailments recognized since the installation of wind turbines near their property. In 2008 and 2009, several wind turbines were installed between 700 meters and 1300 meters away from their farm, informs France Blue.
Nosebleeds, fatigue, headaches…
Fatigue, headaches, change in heart rate, nausea, nosebleeds or even impaired sleep : the couple complains since this installation of many troubles which according to them, would be related to the wind turbines. For the time being, no scientific study has recognized any impact on health. But a survey published in 2018 in the journal Energy Policy already mentioned physical and psychological symptoms in 16% of residents living near a wind farm in Lower Saxony.
But’World Health Organization points out that there is “more concrete evidence of the effects of environmental noise on the cardiovascular system and metabolism”. Associations that fight against wind turbines mention that these consequences could also affect animals.
For the first time in France, the Toulouse Court of Appeal recognized a “wind turbine syndrome” to this couple, who had ended up moving as the nuisances were so strong. Residents are compensated 128,000 euros.
Sources: France Bleu, WHO.
Read also:
- Living near a wind farm: what consequences?
- Insomnia: how noise disrupts sleep cycles