The French want a better health system, consuming fiber would prevent COPD and the use of screens before sleeping would not impact the mental health of teenagers. Here is the main news.
Great debate: the French want a better health system
The results of the great national debate were presented on Monday 8 at the Grand Palais in Paris. When it comes to public service, health takes precedence. Indeed, citizens want this system to evolve: 27.8% of contributors want the system to be improved, followed by assistance for the elderly, which needs improvement according to 16.9% of participants. This prevalence of the health field can be explained by a large number of retirements of doctors who are not replaced, especially in rural areas, or by financial difficulties in accessing dental care. Click here for more information.
COPD: consuming fiber prevents the disease
Fruits, cereals, vegetables, nuts: their consumption would protect the lungs. A study conducted by the universities of Sydney and Newcastle shows that these fiber-rich foods allow the body to produce fatty acids, essential in the prevention of certain lung diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD is characterized by obstruction of the bronchi, cough and chronic expectoration. This disease begins insidiously and most patients do not notice symptoms until it is well established. In most cases, smoking is the cause. We tell you more in our article.
The time spent in front of the screens in the evening would have little impact on the well-being of teenagers
Is there really a link between the time spent in front of the screens and the well-being of adolescents? Many parents are convinced of this, and yet research by Oxford academics has failed to elicit any relevant evidence on this topic. After analyzing data from over 17,000 teenagers, they claim there is no real link. To learn more, click here.