Several studies have just confirmed that too much hygiene can be harmful to children’s health. And especially for their lungs …
Yes, overprotecting your children, by making them live in an ultra-clean environment, exposes them to a risk of asthma. This risk can be multiplied by three or even four. According to the pulmonologists who met in congress in Lyon at the end of January, this theory, called the hygienist hypothesis, is no longer a hypothesis.
You mean it’s confirmed but how is it possible?
Yes, several recent studies confirm that a small dose of dirt protects children from asthma and allergies. For example, being born on a farm reduces the risk of having asthma by more than 50% and that of being allergic by 75% compared to a child born in the city. So it’s true, it may sound weird but in fact, everything is explained. To be able to defend itself against external aggressions, our organism has to get used to it. In other words, our immune system only acts as a barrier to viruses if it has been able to train… on viruses!
But, when you say it, too much hygiene is bad for your health. “Too much”, what does that mean in concrete terms?
There is obviously not a minimum dose of dirt to respect. But, pulmonologists believe that parents should simply exercise moderation. Those who are worried, for example, that their child’s nursery looks a bit like a culture medium can be reassured. German researchers have shown that children born in East Germany were significantly less allergic than those born on the other side of the wall. And according to them, it is the frequentation of the nursery… and therefore the microbes that would have protected them.
If I understand cécile correctly, protecting our children is good, but wanting to put them in a bubble, right ?!
Exactly ! That said, some specialists are betting that in 100 years, children will be used to living in ultra-clean environments and that this will not make them more vulnerable to allergies.
But, I imagine that not all microbes are good to cross?
Indeed today, research is being carried out to find out precisely which microorganisms protect against asthma without causing another disease. This could make it possible to develop a vaccine for the most fragile children.