A few days before the opening of Christmas gifts, the French Society of Dermatology reminds that epoxy resins and their monomer bisphenol A, often used in creative hobbies, are very allergenic products.
- In a press release, the SFD recalls that epoxy resins and their monomer bisphenol A are very allergenic products.
- The organization calls for using these products present in many creative kits with the greatest caution.
- Faced with the risks, the SFD strongly advises against the use of epoxy-based kits by children.
Be careful if you or your child receive creative play kits containing epoxy resins at Christmas. The French Society of Dermatology (SFD) warns of the highly allergenic power of this product used in creative hobbies as well as its monomer bisphenol A.
In its press release of December 19, the professional organization calls for handling these substances “with great caution.”
Epoxy: watch out for allergic reactions
Numerous scientific studies and clinical cases have shown that epoxy resins and their monomer bisphenol A increase the risk of acute eczema in children and allergic reactions in adults. Furthermore, epoxy is part of the list of 31 allergens most frequently involved in triggering contact eczema in Europe.
The SFD therefore calls on users of this product to be very careful. Especially since there is no “no predisposing conditions for allergies to epoxy, everyone can become allergic”.
“It is very difficult to effectively protect yourself from contact with these resins. When they are not polymerized, they are very volatile. As a result, a person who handles epoxy resins can have eczema of the hands, but also of all parts of the body unprotected by thick clothing, especially the forearms, face and neck. Latex rubber gloves and cotton clothing do not protect us.warn experts. On the other hand, there is no allergenic risk when the product has hardened.
Faced with the problems that resin can cause, the SFD advises against “strongly prohibit the use of epoxy-based kits by children”.
Contact eczema due to epoxy resins: allergy closes the doors to certain professions
Contact allergies to epoxy resins cause acute eczema. This pathology is characterized by:
- swollen, red skin;
- itching;
- the appearance of small blisters of transparent liquid.
“On the swollen and red face, there is often significant edema of the eyelids. This allergy is called delayed, there is no associated risk of immediate allergy (urticaria, angioedema, anaphylactic shock)”specify the organization’s dermatologists.
Furthermore, people suffering from an allergy to epoxy resins cannot be desensitized. It will therefore last a lifetime. Which can have long-term consequences. “A child sensitized to epoxies will be barred from professional access to certain professions where it is necessary to handle these resins which are widely used in industry or the building trades”explain the experts.
If contact eczema from epoxy resins appears, you should contact your doctor. Treatment of this disorder is based on corticosteroid creams, but may require systemic corticosteroids. In addition, a dermato-allergological assessment by patch tests must be carried out to confirm or not the responsibility of the resin.