What does sexual health mean exactly? According to WHO, is to have a “positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships”, as well as “the possibility of having pleasant and safe sexual experiences, free from coercion, discrimination and violence”. On the occasion of the Jworld sexual health daythis September 4, Top Santé takes stock of all that this implies and the latest figures.
A broad definition
To access it, several parameters are essential: you must be well informed (and be able to easily access information if necessary). On this subject, France has set up a “national sexual health strategy“, started in 2017 (and until 2030) aiming to disseminate knowledge about sexuality more widely. Knowing the risks and how to protect yourself against them, being able to access dedicated care easily are also part of the fundamentals to be in good sexual health.
The term “sexual health” is very broad and encompasses several areas. Health in the literal sense of the term: sexually transmitted infections, diseases related to the reproductive system, pregnancy and abortion. But also sexual dysfunctions, and everything related to sexual violence (including genital mutilation).
Sources: WHO, Livi survey, Ifop hygiene survey September 2022, Ameli.fr, Santé Publique France.