Personality limit if you translate English! It is however a personality disorder well identified by the world of psychiatry. Being “Borderline” is having a tendency to react more intensely than others, even to unimportant things and with sudden and unpredictable changes in mood.
How can we realize this?
The American psychiatrists, who have decided to organize all the diseases of the brain in a sort of “bible” of their specialty, which can be consulted in simplified versions on the Internet, will allow you to make the diagnosis quickly, by detecting at least five symptoms in a list. which includes a dozen. Simple sensations similar to those that almost all of us have felt one day in our life. But isolated sensations in most of us; sensations that we find in number in the borderline … For example anxiety, irritability or emotional instability, the feeling of emptiness, fits of rage or self-destructive behavior … It is undoubtedly for that we speak of borderline personality and that those who suffer from it are so numerous: 2 to 3% of the population.
It can affect everyone; It is, in fact, mainly detectable in young people and common in women.
A personality with consequence
At first glance and faced with the banality of most of the symptoms, it is not easy to understand that this can be serious; yet some statisticians claim that 60 to 70% of “borderlines” will one day attempt suicide. And psychiatry believes that there is an interest in looking into the detection of this personality disorder.
We begin to understand why we become borderline. Often we find a trauma in childhood; authoritarian and not very affectionate parents. Nothing original… We also speak of heredity or a more modern and more satisfactory version, of too great a sensitivity of certain brains to the hormones they secrete.
If this disorder is suspected, it is necessary to consult a psychiatrist or a psychologist, but these “borderline” patients who, moreover, do not consider themselves ill, often tend to question the legitimacy of those who treat them, which will most of the time lead doctors to take medication, mainly antidepressants or anti-psychotics! Which is excessive.