“It all depends on the person, the amount of caffeine ingested, the time of day. Some people will detoxify caffeine well at the liver level, others less ”, according to Laëtitia Agullo. On paper, stimulants cause the secretion of the hormone cortisol. stress. They also affect the quality of the sleep, especially if they are taken at the end of the day. Also, if you have trouble falling asleep, it is better to reduce your caffeine intake, or at least shift it. However, no need to deprive a person who absolutely needs his little black, it would be an additional source of stress! These drinks also have a comforting effect and are part of those little habits that mark out the day with simple pleasures. It’s the break-Coffee…
As for alcohol, watch out for the rebound effect. After helping to fall asleep, it causes adrenaline secretions, blocks the entry of tryptophan to the brain and interferes with the secretion of melatonin. In short, it is not really the ally of quality nights … nor of health.