To secrete the right neurotransmitters at the right time of day, here is what the dietician advises:
Breakfast should include carbohydrates low GI in moderate quantities, because if the morning meal contains too many carbohydrates, there will be competition at the level of the receptors and the tryptophan will prevail. It is then the serotonin that will be produced, resulting in a relaxation that is not adequate for the start of the day. To stimulate the secretion of dopamine and norepinephrine (the neurotransmitters of motivation, energy, self-esteem), care should be taken to include a protein (egg, ham, etc.). You can add a fruit, a yogurt, a handful of oilseeds.
Lunch should, as for the morning, stimulate the secretion of dopamine and norepinephrine with a reasonable portion of low GI carbohydrates, accompanied by a portion of protein and vegetables. For dessert, fruit, yogurt.
The snack is an important snack for the dietician in order to avoid rushes on sweets in the evening. The snack must be sweet in order to stimulate the secretion of serotonin, the neurotransmitter of serenity, ideal at the end of the day. On the menu, your choice: a banana (not too ripe, because the GI index increases), bread and chocolate, oilseeds, or if you like bush or ricotta (rich in whey or whey which contains tryptophan, precursor of serotonin).
Dinner should also promote the secretion of serotonin which will prepare for sleep. For this, we zap proteins (which promote the secretion of dopamine and norepinephrine) and we put on a meal with a vegetarian tendency. Either a portion of low GI carbohydrates (whole grains, pulses), vegetables, yogurt or fruit.