Ayana, 7 months old, has been in a coma for over a month. For doctors, continuing care is akin to therapeutic relentlessness. An opinion that parents do not share.
A 7 month old baby girl is between life and death. Hospitalized at Angers University Hospital, in the pediatric intensive care unit, since the beginning of May, Ayana has been kept alive thanks to a ventilator. Machine set to be unplugged on Monday June 22, but parents are fighting to prevent it, report our RTL colleagues this Friday. And to believe MYTF1News, a standoff seems to be taking place between the hospital and Ayana’s family.
Plunged into a coma, the little girl suffers from severe brain damage caused by high fevers and convulsions. They happened after the DT-Polio vaccine was injected. Irreversible sequelae, according to the doctors, who decided to stop treatment. “They told us that there was no longer any hope, that Ayana was living in suffering,” says, moved, the father of the little girl in RTL. They don’t give us a choice. They have told us that it is not for the parents to make the decision, but we do not want to let her go. “
A suspended protocol
To counter the doctors’ decision, the parents therefore took legal action. An expert has been appointed to auscultate Ayana once again. He should also perform tests to determine if the DT-Polio vaccination is involved.
However, it seems that the parents of the little one have not made known their opposition. “The medical team learned from the press about the change in the family’s decision,” Angers University Hospital told MYTF1News. The doctor (referent, Dr Boussicault, editor’s note) fell from the clouds after 40 days of support and consultation with the family. “
A collegial decision
Dr. Boussicault also told our colleagues that the cessation of care was decided collegially on June 5 and that the parents were informed as provided by law.
The girl’s family also lodged a complaint in early May against the Samu in Alençon, in Orne, which, she says, refused to travel. The day after the DT-Polio vaccine, the little girl’s temperature climbed to 42.5 degrees. The parents, without a permit, went to the emergency room the next morning. Ayana has since been placed in an artificial coma.