In soup, salad, smoothie … Avocado, it’s all good! And its benefits on our health are no longer to be proven: rich in antioxidants and vitamin E, avocado would be a powerful ally in the fight against premature aging of cells and even against certain cancers. Out of the question to deprive yourself of it!
According to a recent American study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, this fruit could also help us fight against “bad cholesterol”. Indeed, the avocado contains oleic acid (about 8 grams per half avocado), a molecule well known for its favorable role in the regulation of the cholesterol level in the blood.
Watch out for guacamole
To reach this conclusion, the researchers analyzed the diets of 45 people, including obese and overweight individuals, for two weeks. As a result, people who consumed one avocado per day on average saw their “bad” cholesterol levels drop significantly.
Scientists still have a reservation with respect to guacamole … which we tend to nibble accompanied by crisps, tortillas and other appetizer biscuits ultra rich in unsaturated fatty acids. We therefore prefer to enjoy it in a salad … or with more exotic recipes.
Did you know ? Avocado is also great for our hair!