Exhaustion, anxiety attacks, poor health … The latest survey conducted by the National Federation of Nursing Students (Fnsei) sounds the alarm on the state of health of students, as revealed in the Sunday Journal (JDD).
The Fnsei looked into the case of more than 14,000 nursing students over a period from February 23 to April 9, contacted by social networks, emails or through the press. As a result, “half of the students believe that their state of health has deteriorated since they entered training,” writes the JDD.
In a previous survey conducted by the Fnsei in 2015, 44.6% of the students surveyed affirmed that their training was experienced as “violent in the relationship with the supervisory teams”.
A situation that worsens as the training progresses
In this new survey, more than a third of the students explain having already been “harassed by a caregiver during the training”. Three quarters of them (75.4%) say they are physically exhausted “,” a third are subject to anxiety attacks “and” a quarter (26.2%) believe they are in bad, even in very bad. mental health, “the newspaper continues.
“By crossing the data, we also noticed that it gets worse over time,” explains Antoine Jourdan, vice-president of the Fnsei, in charge of social innovation, still at the JDD. In the first year, a third of students (36.6%) believe that their mental health has deteriorated since they entered the training. They are 52% in the second year and 62.3% in the third year.
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