Acidity is naturally present in the stomach: it is essential for digesting food and fighting against possible bacterial contamination. But sometimes stomach acid backs up into the esophagus, causing symptoms, as heartburn (stomach acidity) and in the throat and particularly unpleasant digestion problems. If these acid escalations are punctual, grandmother’s remedies intended to reduce excess acidity will usually be enough to relieve you. But if they become chronicles, do not hesitate to go to the doctor, who will find the treatment that suits you best.
It may be gastroesophageal reflux disease, or “GERD,” which is the upflow of part of the stomach contents into the esophagus (the throat). Linked to a failure of the muscle closing this part of the digestive tract, GERD is a common condition in adults. Overweight, heavy meals, tobacco, alcohol … are contributing factors, explains Health Insurance.
How to reduce acidity? Grandmother’s remedies
To dab the excess acidity of stomach contents, bet on so-called alkaline foods. Some are particularly interesting in case of acid reflux :
- The lemon : contrary to what its acidic taste might suggest, lemon is indeed an alkaline food. Make a minicure (of a few days) in the form of water with the addition of lemon juice swallowed in the morning, on an empty stomach.
- Apples : “The natural fibers of fruits are interesting for reducing gastric acidity”, explains Carole Minker, who recommends taking an apple, organic and unpeeled, at the end of each meal.
- Potato :it is also an alkaline food known to be effective against excess stomach acidity. The idea is not to juggle mashed potatoes for lunch and sautéed potatoes in the evening (a diet that may not be good for the balance!), But to bet on your potato juice. You can do it yourself (see the video recipe below) but “you can also find liquid potato juice on the market, to take at the rate of 2 to 3 teaspoons per day, or juice dehydrated potato in tablets “, specifies Carole Minker, doctor of pharmacy.
In video: the potato juice recipe
How to promote digestion?
The better the digestion, the less time the stomach contents will stay inside … and the less risk it will go up into the esophagus.
In herbal medicine, we therefore rely on digestive plants: “fresh grated ginger, crushed cardamom pods, anise seeds, cumin, Roman chamomile, lemon balm, lemon verbena, if possible organic”, specifies Carole Minker. Infuse for ten minutes 1 teaspoon of these plants, alone or in a mixture, in 15 cl of simmering water. Filter and drink this infusion with each meal.
Acid reflux and pregnancy: what to do?
The acid reflux are more frequent during pregnancy: they are due to the relaxation of the cardia (the small muscle that closes the top of the stomach) linked to hormonal impregnation, as well as to the pressures of the uterus and the baby which slow down the emptying of the stomach. Benign, these acid reflections are nonetheless difficult to live with on a daily basis and can disrupt already very difficult nights at the end of pregnancy. See advice from Nicolas Dutriaux, midwife to limit acid reflux during pregnancy.
Read also :
- GERD: 10 tips to relieve reflux
- GERD: 5 Ways To Cure Reflux Without Medication
- The Mediterranean diet against reflux
- Reflux: drinks to avoid and those that can be drunk