August 12, 2019
A team of researchers have designed smart electronic tattoos capable of monitoring patients’ health status in real time.
Smart tattoos
German scientists have made tattoos injected into the skin to monitor the health of patients. A special ink changes color when the patient is sick.
On the surface, these tattoos look like normal tattoos. But they would allow remotely monitor patients with diabetes, cardiovascular disorders or kidney failure. The ink used is injected into the dermis of the skin. Biomarkers in ink reflect what’s going on in the blood by detecting our biological activity.
A breakthrough in patient monitoring
While diabetic patients need to regularly monitor the level of certain substances, tattoos are able to change colors depending on the level of blood acidity, glucose and albumin concentration, considered to be the main transport protein in the blood.
These tattoos could offer complete and easier follow-up to patients. Discreet, they can be placed on the arm or above the heart without disturbing the patient. The author of the research noted that this is still a futuristic concept, but one that could significantly help preventive medicine in the future.
Stephanie Haerts
To read also: Tattoos, piercings: what risks and how to avoid them?