What’s it really like?
A sauna bath is wonderful for body and mind. Do you really want to enjoy and make optimal use of the sauna? Then follow the steps below and get even more out of the sauna round.
Step 1 – Shower
After you have changed, go to the toilet for a while. Then you look for a warm shower to warm up and start the round nice and fresh. Dry yourself well, because dry skin can cool down better through perspiration in the sauna.
Step 2 – Warm Foot Bath
First find the warm foot bath, because of the high temperature of the foot bath your body will be able to perspire well in the sauna.
Step 3 – The Sauna
Sit/lie down in the sauna cabin at the desired height with your body on your towel, including your feet! The bottom of the cabin is the least warm, the top of the cabin is hot. If you want to enjoy the warmth while sitting in the cabin, sit with your feet at seat level.
How long you can stay in the cabin is personal. But after 15 minutes it is advisable to leave the sauna. If you don’t like it much earlier, just get out! Even if this is after 2 minutes. If you enjoy the sauna heat lying down, sit up 2 minutes before. This prevents any dizziness when you leave the sauna cabin.
Step 4 – Cool Down
Get a breath of fresh air from the sauna cabin. Your lungs quickly get rid of the warm air. This will allow your body to start cooling off in a calm manner.
If you dare, rinse off the sweat under a shower and then plunge into the cold plunge pool. Or gently rinse the rest of your body with the cold water hose, starting at your lower legs. You will also experience the sensation of cold water over the nicely warmed skin under the pouring bucket. If these cooling methods are too intense for you, then a refreshing mist shower is definitely recommended! You can also cool down well in the showers with thermostatic taps; you can slowly lower the temperature. The pool provides further cooling. The pores in the skin close and this produces a tingling sensation.
Step 5 – Warm Foot Bath
After you have cooled down nicely, return to the warm foot bath to warm up your body comfortably.
Step 6 – Rest
Between each sauna round it is time to rest! Take at least 20 to 30 minutes to do this. Cozy up in front of the fireplace with a good book or stretch out in one of the rest areas.
drink a lot
Drink a lot, but only do this after your sauna round! During a round of sauna, your body will quickly lose half to sometimes 1.5 liters of fluid with all possible waste products.
Your body is rinsed clean from the inside of metabolic residues and residual substances from disease processes. By only taking fluids after the sauna round, you will get the optimal effect of removing waste products.