With the sole aim of saving money, a report from the general management of the Treasury advocates reducing the number of pathologies covered by the ALD system.
There are currently 30 diseases classified in the list of long-term illnesses or ALD, which allow patients to be covered 100% by Social Security. Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, hypertension, multiple sclerosis, cancer or even stroke disabling are included in this list. Concretely, for all care related to his illness, the patient in ALD benefits from exemption from the moderating ticket, normally payable by the patient. This remaining sum is covered by Social Security.
But according to the estimates of the Directorate General of the Treasury, this device is heavy and weighs on the Social Security budget, with an additional cost of 12.5 billion euros per year, or 9% of its expenses.
20% of French people affected by an ALD in 2025
In 2025, according to the extrapolations of the General Directorate of the Treasury, 13.2 million French people could find themselves in ALD, which is equivalent to 19.7% of the population, against 15.4% in 2011. This increase would be due to both to the increase in the size of the population, to its aging but also to the prevalence of pathologies classified as ALD, in particular cardiovascular diseases,Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
In the absence of regulation of the ALD system, there is “a risk on the sustainability of the system”, alerts the Treasury, which therefore recommends adjustments “at the margin”. Clearly, he advises the State to reduce the number of pathologies covered by this device, to be “stricter on the entries and exits” of the device (since the ALD is not necessarily established for life) and to comply “more strictly” with so-called bi-zone prescriptions allowing discrimination between prescriptions related or not to the condition.
But according to the Treasury, “a major reform” would perhaps be “more relevant”. Thus he advocates the pure and simple abandonment of the ALD device, “in favor of a device which would fix the participation of the health insurance according to the level of expenditure of the patient. »
According to Le Figaro, Marisol Touraine “learned about this proposal with surprise”. Relatives of the Minister of Health quoted by AFP even assure that “this proposal does not correspond to what the minister does or thinks. There is obviously no question of questioning the ALD system. For his part, the Minister of Economy and Finance Michel Sapin recalled that this administrative study only involved the administration of the Treasury and not the ministers, something to reassure patients in ALD.
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