Work your brain and while spending calories and avoiding forced sedentary lifestyle this will be possible with a pedal desk. A device that seems to satisfy the most sedentary employees. A solution to fight against inactivity in the office?
The majority of employees remain seated throughout the day, but if they were equipped with a pedal desk, these sedentary employees would practice physical activity throughout the day.
Researchers at the University of Iowa conducted an experiment. They equipped 27 sedentary workers with pedal desks and observed their behavior for 16 weeks. Throughout the test, employees were fitted with an activity monitor linked to the pedaling device that measured the activity time of each participant. They also received advice by email encouraging them to use their pedal desks.
The results of the experiment showed that on average the participants cycled 50 minutes per day and that 70% of them approved this device and wanted to adopt this principle of “pedal desks”. The conclusions also revealed better attendance of employees at their workstations, and weight loss. A beneficial experience for all! Because these employees have filed less sick leave than the others.
The harmful effects of a sedentary lifestyle on health
Indeed, to keep fit and maintain health, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends taking 10,000 steps per day. The benefits of physical activity are indeed scientifically proven. Playing a sport on a regular basis reduces the risk of developing breast cancer by up to 39%, the risk of developing colorectal cancer by 26%, the risk of having a stroke by 25% and the risk of diabetes is 34%. Sedentary lifestyle is now the 4th risk factor for mortality in the world after high blood pressure, smoking and diabetes.
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