Dr. Jocelyne Geffroy, specialist in functional rehabilitation at the Roscoff thalassotherapy center, distinguishes three main types of pathologies that can be improved by thalassotherapy:
Ailments related to our way of life (fatigue, stress, sedentary lifestyle) and the resulting disorders: venous, sleeping troubles, depression, various mechanical muscle and tendon pains (back, neck, shoulders), overweight…
Following a major physical or psychological health problem: after treatment for cancer, following an emotional shock linked to a death, a separation, etc.
Pathologies related to chronic diseases such as osteoarthritis, inflammatory or neurological diseases, for maintenance or recovery between acute phases.
“It’s not about treating a disease; it’s more field work. The idea is to do a general mineral recharge of our organism in order to help it to recover and better defend itself”, observes the specialist.
Are they recognized for their benefits?
“Thalassotherapy is based on a scientific reality: the identity between our water circulating (lymph, plasma, water that bathes our cells) and seawater”, explains Dr Geffroy. All existing minerals on earth are present, in almost identical quality and quantity, in sea water and in our body. But he can’t make them. “The aim of thalassotherapy, continues the specialist, is therefore to use seawater and seaweed to recharge the body with minerals, but also to purify our body thanks to the draining action of the water. »
The sea air also has its role to play: it is pure air, rich in oxygen, in anti-stress electronegative ions, in marine aerosols loaded with trace elements and in iodine for a tonic and regenerating action. Finally, the mechanical properties of seawater, which is very strong due to its high salt content, will be used in rehabilitation exercises, particularly for rheumatic diseases.
How to choose your destination?
“It all depends on what you’re looking for,” says Dr. Geffroy. Relaxation and well-being, or a real health action with a mineral recharge of the body. If you are aiming for a health cure, the specialist advises to pay close attention to these criteria:
The treatments must be done individually, by trained hydrotherapists. “The showers, jets and massages are real treatment techniques; machines cannot replace them. »
Individual treatments must be at least four in number per day.
The climate must be maritime. At low tide, the seaweed is found in the open air. Through a phenomenon of osmosis, the air absorbs the minerals from the algae, releasing a very intense mineral charge that we benefit from through the respiratory tract. “The Mediterranean, details Dr. Geffroy, due in particular to the absence of tide, does not have the same mineral wealth. On the other hand, the sea is warm, there is sunshine: it’s perfect for relaxation! »
Are thalassos abroad the same as in France?
In recent years, thalassotherapy stays in Tunisia and Morocco have been on the rise. “If you are looking for sun, relaxation and massages, these destinations are perfect. But if you go on a thalassotherapy with a health objective, it is better to stay on classic sites benefiting from the three basic ingredients of thalassotherapy: seawater, algae and the tides”, judges our specialist. France, the cradle of thalassotherapy, also benefits from historical know-how in the field of hydrotherapy.