To fight against the obesity epidemic hitting Great Britain, health authorities have just published their new nutritional recommendations. And no question of going homeopathic dose because the most recent figures show that in the United Kingdom, 67% of men and 57% of women are overweight and that one in four adults is obese.
According to these new guidelines, the British should reduce their daily calorie intake one-third or 900 calories for men and 400 calories for women.
30,000 deaths per year linked to overweight
According to Public Health England (the executive office of the UK Department of Health), obesity-related medical problems are responsible for more than 30,000 deaths each year in the UK. And Great Britain comes in 6th position in the ranking of countries affected by obesity.
The authorities therefore recommend breakfast 400 calories, one 600 calorie lunch and dinner, and two 100 calorie mid-morning and afternoon snacks.
A communication campaign should be launched next March to try to get the message across to the population. It will be aimed in particular at parents so that they monitor more carefully the weight of their children.
Read also :
10 times more obese children than 40 years ago
In Europe, one in six adults is obese