How do you deal with a child with ADHD?
Parents of a child with ADHD often have even more hands full with the upbringing than other parents. Does your child have ADHD? Then there is a good chance that your child is a poor listener, is easily distracted and is busy and impulsive. This can make it restless at home, but it can also cause poor school performance, for example. But you don’t have to.
We have listed a number of tips.
1. Structure
Structure is important for all children, but especially for children with ADHD. Make clear agreements with the whole family and write them down. It can also be useful to hang an overview of tasks. Also make a list of house rules and also make sure that everyone adheres to agreements made.
2. Consistent
It sounds very predictable, but be consistent. And really. Has your child asked if they can watch television six times? Also say no the seventh time. Will you give in and give in? There is a good chance that next time he will continue nagging until something is allowed.
3. Don’t overprotect
Do not protect your child too much, but teach them to be independent and to solve problems on their own. It is difficult for children with ADHD to make choices and do things on their own. That is why they must be taught this.
4. Feasible Requirements
Don’t make too many demands and be clear. For example, don’t ask to clean his room, but give one task at a time. So say separately: make your bed. When he is done with that, only ask to put the toy in the box. For kids with ADHD, remembering one thing is hard enough. Often they are already busy with something else in their heads than with what they are doing at that moment.
5. Positive Emphasize
Many people with ADHD suffer from low self-esteem, low self-confidence and sometimes even depression. Often because they are corrected all day long and she is told that they are not allowed to do things and that they should take it easy. Do not try to correct the whole day, but rather to stimulate. ADHDers are often very smart and creative. Emphasizing their strengths will also increase their self-confidence.
6. Never use ADHD as an excuse
Finally. Never use ADHD as an excuse. Of course, some things are harder when you have ADHD, but never let your child use ADHD as an excuse. He must learn that he has responsibilities of his own. For example, doing homework will be more difficult, but not impossible.