Causes of Constipation
Defecate. One does it three times a day, another only once every three days. If stools come less than three times a week, it is called constipation. Almost everyone suffers from it at some point. And the reasons are very diverse.
1. You drink too little
Too little fluid can lead to hard and dry stools. So make sure you drink at least 1.5 to 2 liters. Preferably water. If you often suffer from constipation, try to drink just a little more. Even if you use extra fiber, drinking a lot is even more important.
2. You don’t eat enough fiber
Fibers act like a sponge in the gut. They absorb water, keeping your stool soft and supple. Fiber-rich products include whole wheat bread, potatoes, whole wheat pasta, brown rice, legumes, vegetables and fruit. Eat a varied diet, because your body needs both soluble fiber (especially in fruit and vegetables) and insoluble fiber (especially whole grains and cereal products).
3. You move too little
Exercise stimulates the movement of the bowel. Exercise and sports are therefore important for good bowel function. So get active every day for at least half an hour. Three times 10 minutes is also allowed. Did you exercise regularly, but did you stop? Then there is a very good chance that the lack of exercise is the reason for your constipation.
4. You are stressed
Tension, busyness, distraction, too little sleep. Your gut responds to stress. As soon as you experience stress, your body goes into a state of alert. Digestion then slows down. For a good bowel movement you should therefore try to avoid stress and relax regularly.
5. You use certain medicines
There are many drugs that have constipation as a side effect. You can think of antidepressants, iron tablets, morphine and morphine-like drugs, Parkinson’s drugs, anti-epileptics and water pills. In case of serious complaints, discuss with your doctor whether you can use something for a bowel movement in addition to this medication.
6. You are on vacation
When you travel, you often have to deal with changed circumstances. You eat differently, live differently, the temperature is different. All factors that affect your bowel movements. In addition, some people find it very difficult to defecate in a strange environment. Try to really take the time to relieve yourself. And make sure you at least get enough fiber and moisture.
7. You don’t go to the bathroom when you feel the urge
The urge to defecate is a warning from your body: the rectum is full and the stool is ready to leave your body. If you ignore the urge, you will eventually feel the urge less well. In addition, stool remains in your large intestine longer than necessary. And in that large intestine, moisture is extracted from the stool, so that you can suffer from dry hard stools and constipation. So go to the toilet immediately if you are urged, ensure a good toilet posture and take your time.
8. Your pelvic floor muscles are not cooperating
A high muscle tension in the pelvic floor ensures that you have a less good feeling in the pelvic floor and lower abdomen. You feel less pressure then. Improper use of the pelvic floor muscles can also cause constipation. These muscles ensure that you can hold stool (and urine), but also get rid of it. You also use them for pressing. A pelvic floor physiotherapist can help with tense pelvic floor muscles or too little control over these muscles.
9. You are prone to constipation
The intestinal wall of some people is hypersensitive to stimuli and reacts with cramps, pain, constipation or diarrhoea. This is called irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or spastic bowel. Congestion can also occur in chronic intestinal inflammation such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. However, the most common complaint with these conditions is diarrhea.
10. You are pregnant
Even women who never have a bowel movement can suddenly experience constipation during pregnancy. The main causes for this are hormonal changes, less exercise, pressure from internal organs and an altered circulation. The presence of the baby can of course also play a role. Just like any changes in diet.
11. You have an allergy or intolerance
A food allergy or intolerance often manifests itself in abdominal complaints such as bloating, flatulence, constipation and diarrhea. If the complaints always occur after eating certain foods, it is worth investigating further.
12. You’ve changed your diet
Especially in young children, constipation can occur when switching to other foods. The intestines then have to get used to it. However, a change in diet can also cause constipation in adults. For example with a diet.
13. Not having breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal for your gut. At night, digestion is on the back burner; it only gets going again with a fiber-rich breakfast.
And then?
Often there is no physical cause for constipation. A healthy diet, enough exercise and taking the time to go to the toilet are usually enough to improve bowel movements. If the blockage has not gone away after four to six weeks, it is best to consult a doctor. They may prescribe a laxative or carry out further tests. In very rare cases, constipation is caused by an underactive thyroid or a tumor in the large intestine.