You may have kept or rediscovered a physical activity that you enjoy. It would be a shame to lose this good habit because exercise, when practiced regularly, promotes both shape and a good mood.
The practice of physical activity is one of the most effective ways to stay in shape physically but also mentally. It’s about changing your lifestyle a bit to increase physical activity time and decrease sedentary time (the time you spend sitting or lying down during the day).
Move 3 hours a week
Studies have shown it for a long time: regular moderate physical activity of 2.5 to 3 hours per week produces spectacular effects on the risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease!
Physical activity only has benefits. It reduces the risk of diseases such as diabetes and low back pain. She also develops the muscular massparticipates in bone strengthening and helps relieve anxiety.
The ideal physical activity to move more
If you have rediscovered a physical activity that you enjoy. It would be a shame to lose this good habit in winter because the sport promotes both the line and the good mood.
If you haven’t yet identified the ideal activity, it’s always a good time to embark on the adventure! Physical expenditure is a good antidote to stress and, as an added benefit, it aids in the elimination of toxins. This is called the body detox.
So take the opportunity to bring out the bike or the sports shoes to exercise yourself. And why not rollerblading? To reshape your figure, try the aquabike and cross-fit…
Pool, step, calisthenics, etc. The most important thing is to start with the idea that the activity you choose is a source of well-being and fun for you. It’s important that you like it because ideally, you should practice it at the rate of three times per week for 45 minutes.
10 daily gestures to boost physical activity
Add physical activity to your daily routine by creating opportunities to move as often as possible. Here are some guidelines that will allow you to incorporate more movement and mobility into your daily routines:
- Try to move every day at least 30 minutes ;
- Try to do 10,000 steps per day ;
- Walk or bike to work;
- Park your car a little further than usual or get off at a station before work to walk part of the way;
- Reduce the time spent sitting, get up every hour two minutes to do something (put away a file, drink a glass of water, throw a paper…);
- Choose one nice course to walk at least 30 minutes a day;
- Always opt for the stairs rather than the elevator;
- always do your shopping ;
- Locate bike paths, swimming pools and sports clubs near your home or workplace;
- Try to multiply the opportunities and organize your daily life around movement.
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All occasions are good to activate you and each additional step brings you closer to your goal. Simple gestures like these can be adopted by everyone, athletes and non-athletes. They will contribute to improve your fitness as well as your physical and psychological health.
It can be considered that 30 minutes of physical activity per day as well as good nutrition and good hydration can effectively protect against the risk of abdominal obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
It is the key to a better life, lower health care costs and a longer and better quality of life.