This is the first case of this type recorded in this Central American country. The newborn baby died on March 17 in Panama, shortly after his birth, the health authorities announced on March 18.
The virus had been detected after analysis of the umbilical cord. However, the mother of the newborn did not show any of the symptoms of Zika.
Symptoms of the Zika virus
Remember that the Zika virus is transmitted by the mosquito Aedes aegypti (implicated in dengue, chikungunya and yellow fever). Its main symptoms: fever, headache, muscle aches.
The disease is also suspected of causing damage to the brain babies, spinal cord, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and attack the nervous system.
Microencephaly, meanwhile, an abnormally low growth of the cranium and the brain.
Zika could expand across the Americas
A state of emergency was declared last month in Panama where three pregnant women have contracted the virus. Significant resources are being mobilized to fight the virus.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that Zika, which mostly affects Latin America, including Brazil and Colombia, will spread throughout the Americas except Canada and Chile.
Read also :
– Zika virus: recommendations in case of pregnancy
– How to protect yourself from mosquitoes