Columbia University (US) Department of Neurology Knows Pregnancy Rises the risk of stroke (Stroke) due to certain pathologies such as gestational diabetes Where high blood pressure.
“The incidence of strokes associated with pregnancy is increasing. This could be explained by the fact that more and more women are delaying the age of childbearing, when the overall risk of stroke is higher.”, says Dr. Joshua Willey, assistant professor of neurology.
A risk of stroke doubled in those under 35
Few studies comparing the incidence of stroke risk in expectant mothers, Dr Willey and colleagues used data from the New York State Department of Health to identify women who had were hospitalized for a stroke between 2003 and 2012. Researchers studied the incidence of strokes for pregnant and non-pregnant women in four age groups: 12-24 years old, 25-34 years old, 35-44 years old and 45- 55 years.
Overall, the team found that the incidence of stroke overall increases with age. However, by evaluating this risk of stroke in pregnant women, they found that it is doubled in young women (that is to say aged less than 35 years) while older pregnant women are no more at risk than those of the same age who are not expecting a baby.
The researchers say these findings should be “interpreted with caution as we need more research to better understand the causes, in order to determine which women are most at risk”.
This study was published in the journal Jama technology.
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