A new version of iOS and iPadOS has been released, namely version 15.3. And it is highly recommended that you start the update right now.
Yes, we know. Updates are always inconvenient. If you are reading a news article or watching a nice movie, a notification will appear that there is an update for your smartphone or tablet. Snooze and get on with your life. That update will come later. However? Well, in the case of iOS 15.3, it is recommended to install the update on you as soon as possible iPhone or iPad.
The latest version of iOS and iPadOS contains a number of crucial things. Potential vulnerabilities have been discovered within the OS and these updates are patching those leaks. This prevents malicious people from gaining access to your phone. One of the leaks in 15.2 or older is that someone can track your surfing behavior in Safari and potentially read details. Think of personal information related to accounts.
With iOS 15.3, this and several other vulnerabilities have been fixed. The fifteenth version of iOS is available on the iPhone 6S and later. The seventh generation iPod Touch can also install the latest version of iOS. If we look at the iPad, we are talking about the Air 2 and newer. Just like the fourth generation Mini and newer.
Via Settings on your iPad or iPhone you can quickly check whether you have already installed the update, or whether you still need to install it. As mentioned, the advice is to do this as soon as possible.