Carter Gentle is 7 years old. This brave little boy, who lives in Farmington (United States), was born with an extremely rare heart disease, and today must live with a pacemaker. Earlier this month, Carter – who has already undergone no less than 12 operations since birth – had to undergo emergency surgery, open heart.
But when he woke up, the little boy burst into tears: “He was crying in the bathroom, and he kept saying” My scars are horrible! People are going to think I am ugly! “Recalls Mark Gentle, Carter’s dad. It broke my heart. I had to do something.”
Mark then takes a picture of his son and posts it on Facebook with the following comment: “He was told his scars were nice, and that he looked like a superhero. Like to salute Carter’s courage!” Surprise: in a single day, the photo collects 200,000 likes.
1.5 million green inches
Internet users are mobilizing, and supportive comments are pouring in: “Don’t worry, mate, scars are cool, girls love it!”, “You’re not ugly: you’re an adorable little boy, very courageous “,” Proudly bear your scars, they prove your courage! “. Some even go so far as to post pictures of their own “war wounds”. As of now, the photo of the little boy, uploaded on April 11, has garnered 1.5 million green inches, and has been shared over 90,000 times.
“We couldn’t believe it,” says Mark. “We thought we had comments from our family, our friends, that’s all. Today, every time I get a notification on my cell phone, Carter looks at me and asks me” is that for me? “. He looks so happy!”
Do you have scars? Discover new techniques to mitigate them.
And also find all our tips for healing well, even in the sun.