The operation is supposed to last the whole month of August. If you want to join and support this movement, you have two weeks left to give your armpit hair free rein. Worried about how those around you will react to the sight of your hairy armpits, remember Ampist4august aims to raise awareness of Stein-Levanthal disease, also known as polykistic ovary syndrome.
This gynecological and endocrine pathology is characterized by an increase in the level of male sex hormones. This disease is responsible for many cases of male infertility. What relation to the armpits do you say to yourself? Among the symptoms, we note acne breakouts but also hirsutism [pilosité anormalement abondante chez la femme, ndlr].
This hairy mutinyin the middle of summer brings to mind the feminist movements that have received media attention in recent years, such as MIEL (international movement for libidinal ecology). Except that for the supporters of armpits4august, this disobedience to the hair removal business has more of a health and solidarity aspect than a societal one. In this we would approach the Movember movement, the collective that encouraged men (“the Mo Bros”) to do grow their mustache in favor of the fight against prostate cancer.
The activists for the month of August hope to raise funds to advance research against Stein-Leventhal syndrome, a disease that would affect 10% of women.