Unlike women, men are relatively spared from the health risks ofa lack of sleep. But they must suffer the consequences of their partner’s fatigue. Because yes, it’s official, women have a greater need to sleep than men.
From too short nights of sleepMake them grumpy and also more physically and psychologically vulnerable, according to an American study. Women have more markers of inflammation than men when they lack sleep, which puts them at risk for more health problems. In contrast, researchers at Duke University in North Carolina saw that no matter how many hours you slept, men’s health was not affected.
Do women need to rest their brains more than men?
“We found that women had more depression, were more angry and irritable in the morning after waking up,” says Dr. Breus, author of the study. If this reminds you of someone you know well (you?), Maybe you should suggest that they get more sleep to counter these side effects. Taking a nap of 25 minutes to no more than 90 minutes can make you feel better, advises the researcher.
Sleep is fundamental because it allows the cortex, an area of the brain responsible for thinking, memories and language, to go to sleep for better recovery. “The more you use your intellect during the day, the more you need to rest at night.” According to the researchers, the versatility and flexibility of women, superior to men, would explain this increased need to sleep: “women tend to be multitasking and they mobilize their brain functions more than men”. An argument that just might come in handy the next time you want to spend more time in bed.
>> To read also: Sleep: sport helps to sleep better
Lack of sleep affects our genes