Prevent lip blisters on winter sports
Lips are sensitive to external influences all year round. But in poor weather or severe freezing cold, you have to be extra careful. Then the cold sore likes to rear its head. How do you prevent yourself from having sore lips on an ice rink or Swiss Alp?
Cold sores, or herpes labialis, are caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). If you are ever infected with this virus, this virus remains in the body. It then rears its head when you have reduced resistance. This can be in case of illness, but also in poor weather or bright sun.
Lips are very sensitive to outside influences. Chapped, dehydrated and chapped lips are no fun anyway, but when a cold sore is added, it all becomes extra painful. 80 to 90 percent of people carry the herpes simplex virus. About 40 percent of them actually get cold sores. Usually once or three times a year.
How does it look?
As mentioned, the herpes simplex virus becomes active when your body resistance is reduced. You will feel it coming by a throbbing, painful and burning sensation. Such a cold sore manifests itself by means of small, transparent fluid-filled blisters on the lip and sometimes around the nose. After bursting, small crusts and fissures form due to the drying of the blisters. It takes about a week to ten days for the skin to heal completely. Scars are generally not left unless the scabs have been scratched.
By the sea, on the water and in the snow, your lips are extra vulnerable due to the stronger reflection of the sun’s rays. A good dose of UV radiation can also temporarily reduce your immune system. This gives suppressed infections a chance. This explains why so many people suffer from cold sores during winter sports, for example. It is therefore important to lubricate them with a lip balm in these circumstances. Of course, a stick or cream with sun filter is preferred. During winter sports, always use a stick that has been specially developed for that purpose, it remains easy to spread in the cold and cannot freeze.
In addition, ensure that you have sufficient resistance: take sufficient (night) rest, do not smoke, eat healthy and exercise regularly.
Still a cold sore?
As soon as you feel a cold sore coming on, it is wise to get started with an anti-cold sore remedy. There are various products available at drugstores and pharmacies, usually based on aciclovir or penciclovir. This should be applied several times daily. If the blisters have already appeared, you can help them dry up with zinc ointment, for example. After that, it is important to keep the lips supple with a lip balm.