Couples therapy is very useful so that everyone can empty their bags and start afresh on a healthier basis.
You don’t have to wait until you’re up against the wall to see a couple’s therapist. All relationships go through tougher times. It’s when the arguments multiply and we can no longer talk to each other without shouting that the intervention of a professional can save a love story.
What is the role of the couples therapist?
The role of the professional is to re-establish a dialogue by listening to both parties, while facilitating communication. By maintaining his neutrality, like an arbitrator, he plays the mediator and helps to translate the words of each while deciphering the life of the couple.
What is couples therapy?
In general, the first meeting discusses the feelings of each person about the crisis they are going through. The therapist asks the reasons for their presence to better get to the heart of the matter.
Then, to help each partner better understand how the other is feeling, the therapist can use role-playing games by re-enacting an argument and then analyzing the video. This very useful little exercise allows you to become aware of your attitude and language.
Gradually, the therapist searches past events and the history of the couple for the origin of the conflict. In this way, it highlights the events of childhood, the role of parents, or the place of the family to shed new light on the current functioning of the couple.
When should you consult?
It is preferable not to wait for the conflict to settle down to consult. When the crisis begins to make communication difficult, some couples can no longer put the pieces back together and move away too long.
From the moment one of the two goes badly, it is necessary to consult. In love, there is no reason to be unhappy.
Find out more: “Who are these happy couples?: Overcoming the crises and conflicts of the couple” by Yvon Dallaire, editions Le livre de poche.