Not drinking enough water before driving would have the same effects as drinking alcohol.
Dehydrated drivers are said to be in the same condition as motorists who have drunk alcohol. This is revealed by a British study published recently in the journal Physiology and Behavior.
Researchers at Loughborough University have shown that dehydrated drivers make twice as many mistakes as those who drank enough water. According to scientists, the behavior of dehydrated motorists is as dangerous as that of alcoholic people.
Driving simulator
To highlight this effect, the researchers tested volunteers using a driving simulator for two days. On the first day, participants had to drink a full glass of water every hour. The second, their consumption was limited to 25mL per hour or the equivalent of five small sips.
When the participants were well hydrated, they made an average of 47 errors – crossing white lines, braking at the last second… – while in a state of dehydration the average number of errors doubled.
1.5 liters of water per day
This work therefore suggests that dehydration and drinking and driving have the same effects: decreased vigilance and attention, decreased reflexes and lengthened reaction time. To avoid these cognitive discomforts, it is important to regularly drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. In the event of hot weather, the consumption must exceed 2 liters.
During this period of going on vacation, it is important to remember that water consumption should not be restricted to avoid stopping at the toilet. Lowering the temperature inside the passenger compartment also makes it possible to dehydrate less quickly. Finally, increasing the means of hydrating and refreshing oneself makes the journey more comfortable and therefore safer.