Often accused of carrying out contradictory or even destabilizing communication, in particular on the subject of masks, the government has constantly repeated, in recent weeks, how much barrier gestures are essential to limit the spread of the virus. And to do this, nothing better than pedagogy!
4 cases for wearing the mask: the “ABCD” rule
While the monitoring indicators for the Covid-19 epidemic on national territory have continued to deteriorate in recent days (increase in new confirmed cases of COVID-19, new hospital and intensive care admissions and clusters), the Minister of Health has shared a tip so that wearing a mask becomes a reflex in the presence of risk.
“There are four rules for wearing a mask,” he explained.
- AT, when we are at risky, fragile, atge
- B when you are in a crowded place
- VS for places vsthe bone
- D when the ddistance is impossible to manage.
Distancing and barrier gestures: the “3 Ms”
It’s Iindividually and collectively, that we must redouble our efforts to avoid an epidemic resumption”, also recalls the Directorate General of Health in its daily bulletin of August 13. This requires “respect for all barrier gestures”, which she details here again by associating a tip, “the 3 Ms”:
- to wash Mso regularly,
- respect the minimum physical distance of a Mto be,
- wear a Mmask for the general public in closed, crowded places and when respecting distances is not possible.
Beyond the mask and hand washing, mass screening is the other part of the government’s strategy:
- get tested at the slightest symptom, even mild, and as soon as you are identified as a contact, but also if you have been exposed to a risk (family reunion, festive, etc.) or you are returning from a country where the virus is actively circulating.
- Isolate yourself at the first signs, if requested by the health services and while awaiting the result of the test.