I suffer from heel spurs and an Achilles tendonitis on one foot and because of that I can barely stand on them. Does tape make sense? And does health insurance cover that?
little girl
Sepp Mortelmans, podiatrist
Heel spur complaints often involve the tendon plate on the underside of the foot that is irritated. This tendon (fascia) runs towards the toes and fans out to the heads of the metatarsal bones. It supports the longitudinal arch of the foot at the height of the sole (plantar) and, as a tensioned band, increases the push-off force of the foot during running and jumping.
The tendon blade is not very elastic, because otherwise the foot would sag considerably when standing and the gait would be disturbed. A tendon plate inflammation (plantar fasciitis) is usually caused by too much tension on the attachment of the tendon plate under the foot.
Achilles heel
Achilles tendonitis is a weakened, painful Achilles tendon that often has signs of inflammation. This long tendon is the end of the two calf muscles. It runs down the back of the lower leg and attaches to the heel bone. The Achilles tendon connects the strong calf muscles to the foot. It allows us to stand on tiptoe and makes walking easier. The Achilles tendon is necessary for walking upright.
arch supports
These complaints can be improved by having podiatric orthotics fitted, whether or not in combination with physiotherapy. You should check whether the health insurance reimburses. Podiatry is always reimbursed from the supplementary insurance, so that depends on your package.
Do you also have a question? Then ask one of our experts. Always go to your doctor with urgent questions, the experts are not the right person for that. They also do not diagnose. You can find the other conditions here.
Sepp Mortelmans is a podiatrist. He is a specialist in the field of ultrasound and foot complaints as a result of rheumatism. You can ask him questions about foot problems in general and his field in particular.