There meat (just like eggs) is a good source of protein, iron, zinc and vitamin B12. It should not be banned from your diet. THE proteins participate in the renewal and increase of muscle mass, the maintenance of bones, the renewal of skin, hair and nails. They are also involved in the functioning of your immunity and in digestion.
The problem is excess meat, and especially red meats. They should be a component of the main dish and not the dominant element. They should not be consumed every day and even less at each meal. To stock up on protein, you can alternate and favor white meat (low in fat), fish, eggs but also legumes (dried vegetables) which are an excellent source of plant proteins.
This is for their content saturated fats that red meats should be limited to twice a week. Overweight, cancer, heart disease, bad cholesterol… Overconsumption of red meat is damaging to your health. Top Health describes what happens to the body if you eat it every day. With Raphael Grumannutritionist (The Gruman Method).
Your cholesterol increases
We talk abouthypercholesterolemia if you have too high a low density lipoprotein (LDL) level: “bad cholesterol”. It concerns nearly 20% of adults in France. Risky for health, it is often favored by a diet rich in saturated fats, which contains red meat, but also all processed meats such as cold cuts. The latter, unlike poultry and fish, contain many saturated fats, which can promote heart disease.
Your arteries harden
Consumption of red meat promotes hardening of the arteries, which is conducive to heart disease. A scientific study published within Cell Metabolismhighlighted this phenomenon, which is due to the increase in bad cholesterol.
Others research also demonstrated that people who eat red meat have smaller ventricles, reduced heart function and greater arterial stiffness. All of these markers reflect poor cardiovascular health.
Your kidneys work less well
A study published in 2017 proved that big fans of red meat present a risk ofrenal failure higher than the rest of the population. Researchers have found an increased risk of kidney diseases (such as kidney failure) of up to 40%.
The weight on your scale increases
Unlike white meat, red meat is high in fat, which increases its caloric intake. Consumed in excess, they risk making you gain weight.
“ Meat also takes time to digest and weighs on digestion. “, explain Raphaël Gruman, nutritionist. If you take a break from meat for a few days, you should be able to relieve your bloating and digestive pain.