Singer Amir has suffered from a disability since birth, which could have thwarted his destiny as a musician.
- In 2014, when he was a candidate in the third season of The Voice, Amir was forced to reveal his disability to his coach Jenifer.
- He was indeed not very comfortable during rehearsals.
“Since my birth, and still today, I only hear with one ear, the left ear”. In an interview with Télé-Loisirs, the singer Amir confided in his handicap. “This deficient ear did not look the same either. At sixteen, I therefore underwent cosmetic surgery, which gave it a normal appearance”, continues the music star revealed by The Voice.
He also assures that he does not experience this particularity as a handicap: “I owe it to the mother. She was able to take the possibility that it was out of my head.” “I don’t know stereo, but it’s not that difficult to manage. I just pay attention to noisy places and take care to preserve my operational ear, my most precious working instrument…”, he also said.
10 million French people have hearing problems
After 50, one in three people have hearing difficulties, and more than one in two after 80. In total, in France, 10 million people have hearing problems, or 16% of the population. 8.6% of deaf people suffer from repercussions on their daily life.
“People who have no particular knowledge of hearing and deafness often think of things in a binary way: to hear perfectly or to hear nothing. In reality, hearing is a function that can be more or less altered and there are different degrees of deafness (mild, medium, severe, profound, total)”, specifies the site.