Pregnancy can be a source of difficult anxiety for the future mother.
Pregnancy is a time of hormonal, emotional and physical change that can be a source of concern and anxiety. Depending on the trimester, the sources of concern vary.
The main sources of anxiety in expectant mothers
Concerns around the health of the baby or the fear of losing it are particularly important throughout pregnancy. Then comes the fear of giving birth, especially if a traumatic experience has been experienced before.
If asking yourself the question of being a good mother and being able to take care of your child also comes up very often, it is because pregnancy refers to your own family history and the difficulties you may have encountered. Finally, concerns about physical appearance, and in particular the silhouette, are also very important, due to physical changes.
How to overcome your fears during pregnancy?
If for some women the fear takes on uncontrollable proportions, for others it is a positive anxiety which makes it possible to avoid certain risky behaviors for the baby, helps to take responsibility and plan the arrival of the baby. child. Learning to manage it through, for example, breathing and relaxation exercises, healthy habits and regular physical activity can make your fear an ally.
If you really feel overwhelmed, in this case a consultation, and possibly a follow-up, with a psychologist, a gynecologist or a midwife is useful so as not to let the suffering worsen.
Find out more: “The essential guide to becoming a mother without being afraid” by Sandrine Dury, Leduc.s editions.