It is recommended to wait a few weeks before introducing the bottle
At the very beginning, it is not recommended to give baby bottles infant milk in addition to her baby. On the contrary, it is better to put the baby to the breast often to stimulate lactation. If there are not enough feedings, milk production may decrease. In addition, the baby does not suck the same way from the bottle and from the breast. It will be difficult for him to switch from the pacifier to the nipple. His suction will be less effective. Less well stimulated, the breasts will produce less milk. So as not to compromise the chances of successful breastfeeding, it is therefore best to wait until the baby is 4 to 6 weeks old before giving him his first bottles.
When mom is too busy to wait, breast milk can be withdrawn
Some moms may feel too tired when others have to be away for even a few hours during the day. In this case, it is convenient to withdraw the milk using a manual or electric breast pump in order to maintain lactation. The electric breast pump can be rented in pharmacies. The rental costs are partially reimbursed by social security, the balance, possibly, by additional health. The milk can then be given using a cup with a spout, for example, so as not to accustom the baby too early to the pacifier. When using the feeding bottle, it is important to take your time and take breaks. “If a breastfeed lasts twenty minutes, it is necessary to give the bottle in at least fifteen minutes so as not to accustom the baby to being satiated too quickly”, advises midwife Catherine Vericel. Indeed, why would he then try to suck the breast when he knows that the milk can flow much faster from the bottle?
Keep the morning and evening feedings
According to the pediatrician Edwige Antier, if you opt for mixed breastfeeding, it is better to “keep the morning and evening feedings as long as possible, which are the most relaxing, and, as far as possible, a few cuddly feedings in case of grief during the day ”.
A method that offers no guarantees
“Some women choose mixed breastfeeding right away, but then no one can guarantee them the length ofbreast feeding. It is a decision to be made with full knowledge of the facts, once well informed. »Catherine Vericel, midwife