Breastfeeding shouldn’t hurt… but sometimes breastfeeding does. Breastfeeding is natural. Yes, but not always. If for some women breastfeeding goes without a hitch, others on the other hand go through more difficult phases which, without being abnormal, can lead to a premature cessation of breastfeeding. The support of the co-parent is obviously essential, but you should not hesitate to discuss these difficulties with your midwife or a lactation consultant.
Breastfeeding difficulties: baby-related causes
- The term of birth
Prematurity can be a difficulty in itself. “Baby will not have sufficient muscle tone and therefore difficulty suckling for a long time. It will then be necessary to stimulate lactation with the support of the breast pump outside of feedings”explains Mélanie Landru, lactation consultant.
- A baby who tires quickly
Even a full-term baby can tire quickly and fall asleep at the breast. The weight gain is then average or low and therefore the lactation less well stimulated. Here again, the breast pump is a precious ally while waiting for baby to regain strength, as well as the breast compression that the midwife or lactation consultant can show the mother. We always try to start from the baby to stimulate him and then use accessories like the breast pump.
- Tensions in the orofacial sphere
At birth, baby may suffer from tension in the orofacial or cervical area. This can be linked to the passage during childbirth, to its position in the belly of its mother, it also sometimes occurs after an instrumental birth (use of the suction cup or forceps forces). “Baby can make a small mouth opening, pinch the tip of the breast. The stimulation is less good, as well as the transfer of milk and this can cause pain for the mother“, details the specialist. An appointment with the osteopathe or the chiropractor peut prove very beneficial.
- A biting baby
Around 2 or 3 months when the gums split, baby can pinch. In general, we kindly explain to him that he shouldn’t do it and it goes away on its own. A larger baby may also bite, but this is uncommon. He quickly understands that if he bites he risks biting his tongue and will not be able to eat properly.
- A tongue brake
The question of the tongue brake is the subject of much debate. No scientific study has indeed confirmed that a restrictive tongue tie is linked to difficulties. It is therefore impossible, and not very honest, to impute all the ills of breastfeeding to it. “A restrictive frenulum can be annoying because the tongue rises and moves less well or with less ease. There is less stimulation and therefore pain for the mother“observes Mélanie Landru. “But above all, you have to watch how baby uses his tongue despite this brake which may seem restrictive. Some babies do just fine with it! Sometimes the mother’s body is even able to compensate for this difficulty by providing a greater flow, over a fairly short time.“, she nuances.
In addition to these problems which are the most frequent, other difficulties are possible: a disorder of orality, regurgitation, reflux, a nursing strike for example after an illness, a minor illness in itself, teething.
Breastfeeding difficulties: causes related to the mother
THE breast pain are the most common cause of breastfeeding difficulties, and this pain can have different origins. “Very very often the pain in the breast which will cause a crevasse is related to latching and poor positioning. It’s quite easy to identify by a consultant and it is played on a few millimeters most of the time”, explains Mélanie Landru.
The latter gives us indications to precisely adopt the right position: his head and his body must be well aligned and in contact with his mother’s body, put the nipple a little higher than the baby’s mouth between the nose and upper lip, so that baby raises his head. The nipple should go as far as possible into the baby’s mouth.
“If there is pain, it is a warning signal that something is stuck. You really have to interrupt the feeding and start the attachment again“, recommends the lactation consultant. The latter recalls thata good position is really the key. If the latch is not improved, there is a risk, on the contrary, of aggravating lesions such as cracks.
- Engorgement, cracks and irritations
In the event of cracks or irritation, the first remedy will be to apply breast milk compresses, to be changed at each feeding. Thanks to its antibacterial and antiseptic properties, breast milk hydrates and helps healing. Other solutions to relieve cracks: the cream with thenoline, hydrogel compresses, vegetable oil to moisturize the nipple, castor equi ointment from Boiron, the consumption of good vegetable oils. In Chinese medicine, the use of moxa stick is effective in helping to heal cracks. Be careful, however, to consult a trained midwife!
In the event of engorgement, the breast is swollen and the baby has more difficulty latching onto it. So it can be painful. The objective will be to drain the breast to empty it as often as possible with your baby at the breast, with a breast pump or by expressing your milk manually. “You can use clay, apply green cabbage leaves, put cold between feedings“, advises Mélanie Landru. Do not hesitate to consult if the symptoms do not improve in 24 to 48 hours.
- Mastitis
“Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary gland, it can also be infectious. The main remedies will be drainage and rest, but it is important to consult after 24 hours because it may be necessary to take antibiotic treatment“, recalls the lactation consultant. The risk of complication exists and the main one is the abscess. “It’s much more annoying because it’s a big infection with a collection of pus. We must continue to drain, take antibiotics and do an ultrasound to identify and diagnose the presence of an abscess and possibly puncture it “, she explains. In this case, it is imperative to consult a doctor and not just a lactation consultant.
- The clogged channels
It happens that a small plug of fatty milk stagnates in the milk ducts, thus blocking the milk ejection passage. This can be very painful and sometimes shows up as a white or yellow spot on the tip of the nipple. The objective is obviously to unclog the channel by drainage, massaging or using the breast pump. You can also soak the nipple in lukewarm water to soften the skin. Breastfeeding or pumping leaning forward can also be beneficial. Another tip from Mélanie Landru, use the back of an electric brush around the area so that the vibrations break up the milk clump!
- Nipple vasospasm
Vasospasm is a contraction of blood vessels in the nipples that often occurs at the end of tsummer, it can be linked to a circulation disorder, poor latch, sensitivity to cold. TeenagerPain, associated with burning, may occur during breastfeeding and last a few minutes afterwards. We see that the end of the nipple becomes all white (then red, blue, purplish). There is no specific treatment and it is sometimes necessary to consult a traffic specialist. The mother can, however, try to use heat to reduce the symptoms: breastfeed in a warm room, be well covered, use nursing cups or shells run under hot water.
- candidiasis
Candidiasis is an infection very often due to the fungus Candida albicans which can lodge on lesions present on the nipple. Some women sometimes have candida on the ground with, for example, vaginal mycosis or frequent digestive candidiasis. Taking antibiotics at birth can also promote the occurrence of candidiasis. “It can also come from baby if he has thrush, diaper rash, in a baby it is very often asymptomatic“, adds Mélanie Landru. The mother can take a treatment with a natural antifungal such as grapefruit seed extract or an allopathic antifungal. Hygiene is also very important, as well as food and the young mother should avoid sugars and yeasts. Accompaniment with your midwife, a lactation consultant and why not a naturopath can be very useful.
Thanks to Melanie Landru, lactation consultant IBCLC.
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