To feel better
Provide turkey, eggs, proteins, salad, cabbage and for dessert, dairy products, plantains or pineapple. These foods help us make serotonin, a hormone with soothing properties.
Nutritional yeast, wheat germ, kidneys, lentils, etc., contain vitamin B6 which contributes to a good mood and relaxation.
To make you happy
Fall for the chocolate. It’s good and moreover, it feels good. Chocolate also triggers the production of serotonin, the feel-good hormone.
Meats, green vegetables, fermented cheeses and soy will reload your reserves of dopamine, the pleasure hormone.
To fill up on energy
Bread, whole grains, dried fruits… These carbohydrate-rich foods will provide the fuel your brain needs.
To boost you
The caffeine present in coffee wakes up and stimulates. But beware of excess. You risk being upset and having trouble sleeping if you overdo it.
Cocoa theobromine also enhances the activity of norepinephrine, the motivating hormone.
To boost your optimism
Omega-3s are said to be effective against moral fatigue and pessimism. Prefer omega-3s of marine origin found in fish, especially mackerel, herring, salmon and tuna. There are also omega-3s, of plant origin this time, in rapeseed, walnut and soybean oils.
To fight stress
Magnesium is recommended. It is found in certain mineral waters, cocoa, soy, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, lentils…
So, are we a little better on our plate?