Researchers explain the body’s metabolic process to eliminate fat. According to them, these would not transform into energy but would evaporate in the air.
When we lose weight, we say that we “burn fat”, which is then transformed into energy. But according to a recent Australian study published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), fat would in fact escape through the respiratory tract.
A largely unrecognized phenomenon
So what really happens when our body sheds fat? What metabolic process does our body operate? According to physicist Ruben Meerman, co-author of the study, most of the lost body mass travels through the air and is expelled by carbon dioxide produced by the body. The authors of the study explain, for example, that in order to lose ten pounds, the body must inhale 29 kg of oxygen, and the metabolism produces 28 kg of carbon dioxide and 11 liters of water. Liters that will be evacuated through urine, perspiration and other bodily fluids.
These statements are based on personal experience, carried out by Ruben Meerman, on his own body. “I lost 15 pounds in 2013 and I just wanted to know where those pounds had gone. And that’s how I came to these surprising results. But I was even more surprised to find that I was the only one to have identified this phenomenon, ”says Ruben Meerman.
Indeed, the authors of the study asked the question: “What happens to fat when you lose weight?” To more than 150 doctors and more than half answered that fat is transformed into a source of energy or heat. “This ignorance and confusion are surprising and disturbing in a world where the obesity crisis is raging,” said Professor Andrew Brown, co-author of the study.
But then, can the simple act of breathing cause weight loss? No, answer the authors. These also warn about the harmful impact of a too intense breathing session: dizziness, palpitations and loss of consciousness.