Dr. Rudy Caillet, nutritionist hospital practitioner, insists: you have to get out of stigma!
- Many patients with obesity do not dare to consult health professionals.
- To get out of the clichés concerning obesity, the nutritionist doctor recalls that the weight does not only result from what we eat and that corpulence is regulated according to the energy that we store in the form of fat.
- When the diets do not work, it is certainly because “the body resists weight loss”, underlines the specialist indicating that in this case, “it is necessary to go further, either using drugs, or from surgery, to vary the weight sufficiently in order to improve health”.
Many people in a situation of overweight or obesity have the double penalty, chaining the private and frustrating regimes, without managing to lose weight, and fighting against the gaze of the other, often heavy with prejudices and returning an unflattering self -image. All this leads many patients to isolate themselves and not to dare to consult a health professional. “” “You have to stop guilty people”, Argues Dr. Rudy Caillet. “” “We still have today all those marked with weight loss who continue to say everywhere that it is enough to eat less to lose weight, but it especially depends on the regulation of our weight which is physiological. When the weight is too high, there is a medical problem”Continues the specialist.
Obesity, overweight: the body can withstand weight loss
To get out of the clichés concerning obesity, the nutritionist doctor recalls that the weight does not only result from what we eat and that corpulence is regulated according to the energy that we store in the form of fat. “” “It is a vital capital that is regulated for our health, such as our body temperature or our blood pressure”, He adds.
Once this information is integrated and digested, it must also be understood that obesity is a multifactorial and chronic disease. This means that many elements can affect the risk of obesity, such as genetic predisposition or exposure to certain pollutants and food additives. So when the diets do not work, it is certainly because “The body resists weight loss“Underlines the specialist indicating that in this case,”You have to go further, either using medication or surgery, to vary the weight sufficiently to improve health”.
Obesity: who to consult to get out of it with the disease?
“There are a number of medical and nutritionist or endocrinologists-diabetologists-nutritionists to help people with obesity. A general practitioner specializing in nutrition can also help a patient, ”says Dr. Caillet. However, this health professional must work in a multidisciplinary unit “or in any case in a network with several paramedics such as dietitians, psychologists, and teachers to physical activity”. Clearly, it is necessary to address a caregiver who will coordinate a multidisciplinary team for full care of obesity.