Twins followed two different regimes – one rich in fats, the other rich in carbohydrates – to assess differences in physical performance.
- Two twins followed different diets but the same exercise program for 12 weeks.
- Whoever followed a regime rich in fat took more muscle, but was hungry more often.
- Whoever followed the regime rich in carbohydrates, suffered less during exercise sessions.
Hugo and Ross Turner, British adventurous twin brothers, use their twinness to compare the repercussions of health habits on health and their sporting performance. One of their latest tests was to assess the effects of regimes rich in fats or carbohydrates on the form, endurance and aesthetics of the body.
Their “experience”, followed by researchers from the University of Loughborough, was reported on the site Business Insider.
Rich in carbohydrate: cholesterol and downward visceral fat
During this 12 -week test, Hugo followed a diet poor in carbohydrates, but rich in good fats. That is to say, it gave pride of place to olive oil, nuts and dried fruit as well as lawyers or eggs. His brother Ross on the contrary increased the amount of carbohydrates absorbed by eating more pasta and rice and avoiding fat. These nutritional differences were 500 calories on a total diet of 3,500 daily calories.
While they followed these different menus, they participated in the same physical exercise program. It was based on cardio and bodybuilding training to be done every 3 days. Their performance was recorded at each session.
At the end of the 3 months of experience, Ross who had a “high carb” diet, won 1 kg of muscle and lost 0.9 kg of fat. It has also improved its cholesterol level and reduces its internal visceral fat from 11.5 % to 11.1 %.
Hugo who consumed “high fat” menus, took 3 kg of muscles and lost only 0.3 kg of fat. He found no change for his cholesterol level while his amount of visceral fat increased from 11.4 % to 12.6 %.
Rich in fat: more muscles, but a feeling of hunger
During strength tests, the two brothers recorded similar performance. On the other hand, Hugo encountered difficulties in the field of cardiovascular form and its endurance after his diet rich in fat. He entrusted to the Business Insider site: “I never felt good. I ate at least six times a day and I never felt satisfied or satisfied, so I was constantly hungry.” He also specifies that his diet seemed relatively repetitive to him. Indeed, fats contain 9 calories per gram, while carbohydrates (and proteins) contain 4. It is thus possible to eat more carbohydrates for the same number of calories compared to foods rich in fat. For this reason, some people like Hugo do not feel satisfied with a diet rich in fats and low in carbohydrates.
For his part, Ross did not experience excessive fatigue during the exercises. “Carbohydrates are very good and easily available to provide the body with energy to higher intensities”he explained. On the other hand, he recognizes that certain products rich in fat missed him a lot. “I ate my first cheese piece in 12 weeks yesterday, and it was incredibly good”said the thirties in the English -speaking newspaper.
Fat, carbohydrates: is there a better diet?
Steven Harris of the University of Loughborough who followed the siblings, confirms that the two men have posted improvements in their cardiovascular capacities and their metabolic health at the end of their experience. But the High Carb regime seems to have helped Ross more to surpass itself during the 12 -week sports program.
However, the scientist advises healthy people to eat balanced eating without eliminating carbohydrates or fats “Rather than copying what others say they are the” best “diet”. A balanced diet remains, according to him, the best way to feel good and meet your needs, when you are not a great sportsman.
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