Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of depression
According to a study published in the British Journal of psychiatry, people who have low levels of vitamin D in their blood are twice as likely to suffer from depression than those with a higher rate. The reason is in the hippocampus, that small area of the brain involved in regulating mood. The hippocampus has vitamin D receptors. Deficiency therefore prevents it from functioning normally and increases the risk of depression.
Deficiency increases the risk of hypertension
According to a British study, a vitamin D deficiency would explain why some women suffer from high blood pressure, one of the major risks of cardiovascular disease. Better, for these women, it would seem that a vitamin D supplementation, would allow them to do without antihypertensive drugs.
Deficiency increases the risk of cancer
According to an Inserm study, the risk of breast cancer would be reduced by 25% for women with a high level of serum vitamin D concentration. According to researchers associated with the Gustave Roussy Institute, women with the highest vitamin D levels (i.e. more than 27 µg / l) have a risk of breast cancer divided by four compared to women with the lowest vitamin D levels (less than 20 µg / l).
In men, a vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of Colon Cancer. According to researchers at Imperial College London, men with high levels of vitamin D in their blood are almost twice as likely to develop bowel cancer as those with lower levels. In addition, men who have higher vitamin D levels also have higher testosterone levels. A good hearer …
Deficiency increases the risk of uterine fibroids
A study by the US Department of Health published in the journal Epidemiology shows that, in women over 35, too much vitamin D deficiency can increase the risk of uterine fibroids : benign tumors that grow on the lining of the uterus and can cause pain and bleeding. According to this study, women with sufficient levels of vitamin D have a 32% reduced risk of developing uterine fibroids compared to those who are deficient.
Vitamin D: where to find it?
Little present in the diet, vitamin D is mainly produced by the skin, under the effect of the sun. As its skin synthesis decreases with age, doctors agree on the need to give it as a supplement in winter. to avoid deficiencies, especially in the run-up to menopause. But be careful, vitamin D supplementation must be prescribed by the doctor because it may be contraindicated in some cases (especially if you suffer from kidney stones or hyperparathyroidism).
Also find out what are foods richest in vitamin D.
Read also :
Vitamin D: 5 signs that you may be lacking
Vitamin D: what is it used for?