Vitamin D supplementation for the elderly would be a solution to prevent and prevent more than 30,000 deaths per year.
Faced with the coronavirus, the vitamin is proving to be a real ally in strengthening our immune system. A large number of studies have recently shown that vitamin D supplementation (without being an alternative to the vaccine) could help reduce Covid-19 infection. But a completely different study calls out to the research community. This is a study published in the Molecular Oncology Journal where scientists have performed a gargantuan calculation. According to them, if all Germans over 50 took vitamin D supplements, it would be possible to prevent up to 30,000 cancer deaths each year.
A 13% reduction in cancer mortality thanks to supplementation
According to the study, the rough estimate of the reduction in cancer mortality was 13% in the three meta-analyzes of recently concluded clinical studies. Scientists’ findings support the promotion of vitamin D supplementation in people over the age of 50. The risk of developing cancer increases with age. For several years now, scientists have made a point of honor on the benefits and the supply of vitamin D in our body. Both prohormone and vitamin, it plays an essential role in the metabolism of calcium in the body. Vitamin D is also associated with other beneficial health effects such as improved cognitive function in older people with Alzheimer’s disease. Or the reduced risk of acute respiratory infections, dementia or depression.
Consume with caution and moderation
Vitamin D is not a miracle. It is recommended to be supplemented since food or sunshine cannot be enough to fill the gap. However, consumption should be moderate, excessive intake can be dangerous and result in various symptoms: dehydration, nausea, vomiting or even renal failure, convulsion or coma. The Medicines Agency (ANSM) to alert on the risks of overdose recently, because of an increase in cases, especially in children.