Due to severe supply tensions for vitamin B12 in injectable and oral solution, the ANSM asks patients and doctors to favor oral treatment when possible.
- Currently, there is a strong supply tension on vitamin B12 in injectable and oral solution.
- Doctors are advised to prescribe vitamin B12 in tablet form, when patients can take it in this oral form.
- The situation should be restored by next November.
In a press release Recently published, the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) asks patients and doctors to favor vitamin B12 in tablet form, when this treatment can be administered orally.
High supply tension on vitamin B12
The reason for this recommendation comes from a strong supply tension on vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) in injectable and oral solution from the Zentiva and Substipharm laboratories.
Vitamin B12 is a family of four substances, according to the Vidalthree of which are present in certain foods, including cyanocobalamin.In association with vitamin B9 (folic acid, folates), vitamin B12 is involved in the synthesis of DNA and fatty acids, in the production of energy inside cells and in the functioning of the nervous system.”, explains the Vidal.
The ANSM recommendation aims to “allow continuity of treatment for patients with severe absorption problems, requiring intramuscular injection”.
Who is usually given vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) in injectable and oral solution? According to the ANSM, patients with a deficiency due to a gastrointestinal disease that prevents the absorption of vitamin B12 receive it by intramuscular injection.
As for vitamin B12 in the form of drinkable ampoules, it is patients suffering from a deficiency “due to lack of nutritional intake, especially in strict vegan diets” who benefit from it.
Vitamin B12 shortage expected to ease next November
The supply difficulties of the Zentiva and Substipharm laboratories are “in connection with a production shutdown and manufacturing difficulties“. But until when? The ANSM responds: “According to the data they have sent us, the supply should gradually be restored and the coverage of the needs of all patients should be ensured from November 2024.”
The recommendations issued by the ANSM are linked to a more global strategy. The health authority has in fact “asked laboratories to stagger supplies to city pharmacies in order to avoid stock shortages. Supplies to health establishments are maintained.”
The aim is that patients who need vitamin B12 most in injectable and drinkable form still have access to it, despite this context. Otherwise, “Failure to receive this treatment can result in these patients being at serious risk of anemia, leading to hospitalization, transfusion and life-threatening conditions.”