Surgeons are the most attractive healthcare professionals, according to a survey. For men, it is, unsurprisingly, the nurses they prefer.
The actors George Clooney (Emergency), Patrick Dempsey (Grey’s Anatomy), or even Hugh Laurie (Dr House) all have one thing in common. That of having interpreted at one point in their career the role of a doctor with devastating sex appeal. But France is not left out. She also has her medical icons. Michel Cymes has been prancing for several years at the top of the list of favorite celebrities of the French.
On the occasion of Valentine’s Day, the online medical appointment site My wanted to measure this trend. For this, he interviewed more than 4,200 French people to find out more about their unconditional love for the medical profession. A survey (1) published Monday which confirms that women and men are not insensitive to certain charms of health professionals.
Women more attracted to doctors
But once is not customary, women and men have very contrasting opinions on the matter. Thus, 51% of them generally find medical professionals attractive while 52% of men think the opposite!
Among the criteria that are cracking, it is the profession of doctor itself which is acclaimed by 43% of women while a large majority of men (64%) are especially sensitive to the white coats of nurses.
Contacted by Why actor, Dr. Jean-Michel Huet, psychoanalyst and sexologist, considers that the results are not surprising: “From the Hippocratic oath, we had identified risks of seduction between patients and doctors. You remember that inside the doctor must not try to seduce the women of the house, nor the young boys, nor the slaves. Already at the time, this clearly showed that there was a risk, ”he recalls.
Dr Jean-Michel Huet, psychoanalyst and sexologist: ” There is also what Freud called transference love. It is an attraction that is created in a fairly… “
GPs with half-masted sex appeal
And in this ranking of the cutest health professional, majorities clearly emerge. For women, surgeons come out ahead with 34% of respondents who designate them as the sexiest.
For Dr Huet, it is the inaccessibility of these often distant professionals that gives pride of place to the fantasies of these ladies. The scalpel champions are however closely followed by physiotherapists with 32%. The top three is completed by dentists (11%). GPs pay the price for their success since their family doctor label makes them visibly lose sex appeal.
Dr Jean-Michel Huet : ” We can fantasize all the more about surgeons because in the middle of the operating room we don’t have time to chat and even less to… “
For men, it is, unsurprisingly, the nurses they prefer by more than 36%. “It’s a very passive fantasy, we often want to seduce the one who takes care of you”, concludes Michel Huet. The latter are indeed far ahead of surgeons (14%) and dentists (13%), also appreciated by male patients.
(1) Methodology: analysis carried out from an online survey carried out on Facebook targeting more than 4,229 people spread over the whole of France, between January 30 and February 7, 2017. Profiles: 52% women and 48% men.