According to a testimony collected by the radio France Limousin Blue, five police officers from the Limoges CRS company have allegedly contracted tuberculosis. According to this testimony, no measure has yet been taken to stem the epidemic. The police are therefore calling for systematic screening of all members of this company, with immediate work stoppage for all those who test positive.
For its part, the police hierarchy denies the notion of epidemic and affirms that there is only one proven case of tuberculosis which was declared last May in an administrative agent, and not in a police officer on mission. outside. According to Commander Frédéric Cayla, communication officer of the zonal direction of the South West CRS, this policeman “contracted the disease outside his professional environment. It was reported on May 13, from the first pulmonary symptoms, to medical services and was immediately taken care of by the Limousin anti-tuberculosis center (CLAT). “
“The 25 police officers who had physical contact with the patient before his screening have undergone extensive examinations, and none is sick,” added the officer.
Tuberculosis: it is transmitted by air
Tuberculosis is a disease caused by bacteria (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) that usually affects the lungs. It is transmitted by air, when the patient coughs, talks or sneezes. The tuberculosis bacillus is then present in the postilions.
Discover our infographic to know everything about tuberculosis.
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Tuberculosis: a breath test to diagnose it
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