It’s not just fuel prices that are hurting the wallets of motorists, those of tolls too. With the increase in rates of 2% on average announced on February 1, Vinci Autoroutes announces that it will block the rates of 80% of journeys of less than 30 km made on its network.
At 1er February, toll rates will increase in accordance with the contracts that link the motorway companies to the State. Indexed to inflation and works undertaken on the network, the increase will be 2% on average in 2022. The Vinci Autoroutes network is not immune to this automatic increase, but wishes to limit its impact on motorists using its networks.
TO READ. Tolls. Increases to 1er February 2022 by concession
The price of certain frozen journeys
The motorway concessionaire, in charge of the ASF (+2.19%*), Escota (+2.05%*) and Cofiroute (+1.90%*) networks, has announced a freeze on toll rates for certain sections. ” 4/5 of journeys of less than 30 km and 2/3 of journeys of less than 50 km as well as all bypass routes of 34 towns served by the Vinci Autoroutes network will benefit from this measure “, specifies the press release. Here are some examples of sections where the prices will not change:
- Salon-de-Provence – Marseilles (via A7)
- Sète – Montpellier (via A9)
- Antibes (Sophia Antipolis) – Nice (via A8)
- Pertuis – Aix-en-Provence (via A51)
- Carquefou – Nantes (via A11)
- Dourdan – Paris (via A10)…
Always count €1.70 for the Dourdan/Paris journey or €1.60 for the Sète/Montpellier journey, i.e. about 3 cts saved if the increase had applied.
A 30% discount for regular users
For now, Vinci Autoroutes – which operates nearly 50% of the roads under concession – is the only manager to have taken this step. It should be noted that the company also offers holders of the Ulys 30 electronic toll badge a 30% reduction from 20 identical journeys made during the month, with no mileage limit.
TO READ. Highway. Soon the end of toll barriers between Paris and Caen
*increase on February 1, 2022